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Yoga for Women’s Health

In this blog

Women form the core of families, workplaces, and communities, always balancing many roles. Yet, as they work to meet their duties, they often put their own health last. This International Women’s Day gives us a chance to focus on women’s health by turning to yoga. Yoga can help women stay fit, keep their hormones in check, and find inner peace. It is a practice that can empower women from within.

This blog will show how yoga boosts women’s health and happiness making it an important part of Women’s Day in India and abroad. If you’re looking for a way to honour yourself or the women you care about, taking up yoga could be the best way to do it.

The Importance of Yoga for Women’s Health

Women’s health is complex, with hormones, stress, and lifestyle all playing a part. Yoga helps women at every point in life, from periods to pregnancy, menopause, and mental health. It builds physical strength, emotional health, and a clear mind. So let us explore how yoga helps a woman in detail.

1. Yoga for Hormonal Balance

A woman’s hormones change a lot over time affecting her mood, energy, and overall health. Some yoga poses and breathing methods can balance hormones easing PMS, PCOS, and menopause symptoms.

Recommended Poses:

  1. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose): This pose has a positive impact on menstrual discomfort and contributes to better reproductive health.
  2. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose): This position helps to relax and balance hormones.
  3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This pose stimulates the adrenal glands and lessens hormonal imbalances caused by stress.

2. Yoga for Strength and Flexibility

Women often struggle with osteoporosis, joint pain, and stiff muscles as they get older. Yoga practice on a regular basis boosts bone density, makes muscles stronger, and increases flexibility, which ensures mobility and strength for years to come.

Recommended Poses:

  1. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose): This pose builds strength and stability in the lower body.
  2. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): This position enhances balance and flexibility while making the spine stronger.
  3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): This pose strengthens the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

3. Yoga for Mental and Emotional Health

A key thought on Women’s Day is self-empowerment. And sometimes, that means taking up many responsibilities like juggling between personal and work life. This can cause stress leading to anxiety and burnout. Yoga calms the mind, helps people relax, and builds emotional strength.

Recommended Poses:

  1. Pranayama (Breathwork): Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Bhramari (Bee Breath) lower stress and anxiety.
  2. Shavasana (Corpse Pose): Allows for deep relaxation and a clear mind.
  3. Meditation: Daily meditation practice builds self-awareness and emotional balance.

Yoga and Women’s Life Stages

1. Yoga for Young Women:

For young women, yoga builds physical strength, sharpens mental focus, and creates emotional stability. It improves concentration, eases menstrual pain, and boosts self-confidence. Adding yoga to school and college life lays a strong base for lifelong health.

2. Yoga for Working Women:

Keeping up with work tasks and personal life can pile on the pressure. A quick daily yoga practice might just be the ticket to being more focused at work, staying calm, and feeling more energised. Stretching it out at your desk or doing some yoga in your cubicle can do wonders if you’re stuck sitting all day.

3. Yoga for Mothers:

Pregnant women can get tons of perks from doing yoga. It makes you more flexible, relaxed and gets you ready to face labour. After the baby arrives, it’s great for getting back in shape,  making the muscles in your lower belly stronger, and helping with the improvement of mental health as well.

Recommended Poses for Pregnancy:

  1. Cat-Cow Pose: Eases back discomfort and makes the spine more flexible.

    NOTE- At the later stages of pregnancy, avoiding extreme arching of the back is important. Move very slowly and gently. In case you feel dizzy, performing this asana on a higher elevated surface is recommended. For example, a chair, a bed, etc.

  2. Malasana (Garland Pose): Opens up the hips and builds strength in the pelvic area.

    NOTE- Do not proceed if pubic symphysis or excessive pelvic pain is present. If needed, place a cushion or a yoga block under the hips for added support.

  3. Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose): Lessens leg swelling and helps with relaxation.

    NOTE- Avoid after the twentieth week of pregnancy, particularly if lying supine with no hip flexion creates discomfort. Stop if excessive breathlessness or dizziness sets in.

Recommended poses for Postpartum Yoga:

  1. Pelvic Tilts: Make the lower back and abdomen muscles stronger.

    NOTE- Begin slowly, especially if recovering from C-section surgery or if you are experiencing pelvic pain. Do not put too much pressure on the abdomen.

  2. Naukasana (Boat Pose): Aids in getting back core muscle strength.

    NOTE- Do not perform this asana if you have abdominal separation (diastasis recti) or weak pelvic floor muscles. Start with bent knees or a supported variation before full pose attempts.

  3. Balasana (Child’s Pose): Promotes calmness and helps with stress following childbirth.

    NOTE- Place a pillow under the knees if you feel knee discomfort. When recovering from a C-section, avoid applying too much pressure on the belly and choose the wide-legged version instead.

NOTE: Make sure to consult your doctor before performing any of the above asanas, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

4. Yoga for Menopause:

Menopause triggers changes in hormones, shifts in mood, and body discomfort. Practising yoga eases hot flashes, boosts bone strength, and supports a healthy mind.

Recommended poses:

  1. Cooling Breath Techniques: Utilising Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama keeps hot flashes in check.
  2. Relaxation Yoga: Relaxing poses such as Reclining Twist and Uttanasana assist with calmness.
  3. Muscle-Strengthening Poses: Doing Plank and Downward facing dog Poses helps stop muscle loss.

If you are looking to celebrate a creative women’s day, there is no better way than by joining our 14-day yoga challenge, which will help you ease into yoga and help you progress day by day.

Summing It Up

Yoga isn’t only about working out. It’s a lifestyle that empowers women to embrace both their physical and inner strength. A great way to have a creative women’s day is by helping all women use yoga as a resource for wellness, self-love, and strength. 

A thought on Women’s Day that we should all adopt is that when women prioritise their health, they can contribute more effectively to their families, careers, society and inner peace. And what better way to embrace this thought than with Habuild, where you can take time out for yourself every day and focus on your health and well-being in the comfort of your own home? Make sure to also join our 14- Day Yoga Challenge to get started with guided yoga sessions and see the difference it can make in just 2 weeks! 

The main thing about Women’s Day shouldn’t just be about celebrating a woman or her achievements, but it should also be about supporting her lifelong health and self-care. No matter your age, whether you’re a young lady, professional worker, mom, or going through menopause, doing yoga every day with Habuild has many benefits for each chapter of your journey.

So this Women’s Day, gift yourself or the women in your life the practice of yoga that delivers health, balance, and peace. Let us aim to transform Women’s Day in India and the world into more than just a celebration; but a drive for all-around wellness.

Happy Women’s Day!

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