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Reclaim Your Flexibility with Yoga for Back Pain

You can permanently relieve your back pain by practising yoga daily, and live your life with flexibility, ease, and lifting things without worry. Read on and find out how you can regain the flexibility of your youth with the power of yoga for lower back pain.…

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, also known as sun salutations, is said to be the “heart and soul” of yoga. This powerful twelve-asana series is a way of greeting the sun with our body and mind. But why all this hype about bending and stretching towards a giant ball of gas millions of miles away? Surya Namaskar was […]

Yoga For Periods

Tired of menstrual cramps ruining your day? Find out how to reduce period pain with 5 best yoga asanas that will help you find relief during your periods.…

How to Gain Weight with Yoga

Yoga not only helps you lose weight, but it helps you gain weight as well. Try these yoga asanas to help you build muscles and gain weight the healthy and right way.…