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Does Yoga Help With Spot Fat Reduction?

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One of the most common goals in fitness and weight management is to get rid of fat in specific body parts. Whether it’s the belly fat, love handles, or those stubborn thighs, the question is can yoga help in spot fat reduction or if it’s just a myth? To understand this, let’s get into science, learn the difference between fat loss vs. weight loss, break some myths and explore how important yoga is in losing fat and toning the body.

Spot Fat Reduction: Myth or Reality?

You may have heard that if you target a particular part of your body while exercising, you will lose fat from that particular area. For instance, performing leg lifts to lose lower body fat or hundreds of crunches to decrease belly fat. Although it may seem obvious, science disagrees.

Fat loss doesn’t occur in isolated regions of the body. When you are exercising, your body will use fat from all over your body, and not just from the specific part that you are exercising, for energy.

Yoga Poses for Fat Loss

Alright, time for the good stuff. Here are some ways on how to decrease body fat with yoga that’ll have you saying goodbye to cravings and hello to a fit and lean body.

1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) – One of the best asanas in yoga on how to burn body fat is through this integrated exercise. This is the dynamic combination of 12 asanas that train multiple muscle groups into shape simultaneously, the regular practice of which will emphasize your holistic approach.

2. Naukasana (Boat Pose) – An effective way to reduce body fat  is this abdominal strengthener that targets the core muscles, helping to tone the belly and improve digestion. You can practice this by lying on your back, keeping your arms beside your body and legs together. Then you raise your chest and feet off the ground, arms stretching towards your legs. This asana helps give the illusion of stomach weight loss.

3. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) – Lie down for this asana with your palms touching the ground, and keep your knees raised while slowly lifting your lower, middle, and upper back. This asana provides stress relief, improves flexibility, and works out your torso region which significantly helps give the illusion of  stomach weight loss.

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) – This asana promotes flexibility in its practitioner by activating all muscles, improving blood circulation, and enhancing mental focus by calming the mind.

5. Uttanpadasana (Raised Leg Pose) – Another effective way on how to burn body fat is through Uttanpadasana. You can practice this pose while lying down and raising both your legs to strengthen the muscles of your lower body and increase its stability, enhance upper body strength by stretching arms and shoulders and toning your abs by stretching the abdominal muscles.

If you’re having trouble getting started, you can always choose to start off with our 14 day yoga challenge which will help you ease into it and help you progress day by day.

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

Weight loss and fat loss are not the same thing, despite what many people believe.

Weight loss is the term used to describe a reduction in total body weight, which includes water, muscle, and fat.

The goal of fat loss is to lose fat without sacrificing muscular mass.

Yoga tends to promote fat loss rather than weight loss. It places a strong emphasis on increasing strength and flexibility to make sure your weight loss is long-lasting and safe.

What to Avoid for Effective Fat Reduction

1.  Crash Diets: Although crash diets give quick results, they usually are results that come at the cost of muscle rather than fat, and this will ultimately work against your exercise routine.

2. Overtraining: Overtraining raises cortisol levels, which counteracts decreasing fat or seeing long-term results.

3. Ignoring Recovery: Rest and recovery using yoga asanas like Shavasana help repair the body and cut back on stress, contributing to fat loss indirectly.

Spot Reduction Alternatives: Yoga for Balanced Fat Loss

Even though fat loss in spots is a myth, targeted yoga poses can help tone specific regions while reducing body fat.

Plank and Boat Pose are two core-focused positions that can help you develop your abs so you can see them when you decrease belly fat.

Lower body asanas like Warrior II and Crescent Lunge define and shape the lower body giving the illusion of losing lower body fat.

The Bottom Line: Embrace the Bigger Picture

With this beginner’s guide to yoga for fat loss at your fingertips, all you need to do is grab your mat and start moving! Although it won’t happen instantly, you’ll notice a decrease in your body weight and an increase in energy with time. And what better way to melt that stubborn fat than with Habuild’s expert-led Online Yoga Classes in Delhi. Boost metabolism, reduce stress and improve your well being from home. Make sure to join our 14 day yoga challenge to ease into your daily practices and see progress in just 2 weeks! So join now and start your wellness journey today!

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