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How To Cure Acne?

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We all have experienced how troublesome acne can be at some point in our lives. Like when you are preparing for a big day and you see yourself in the mirror, there it is! A big red pimple right on your face. It arrives uninvited when you least expect it!  Having an acne breakout can make us all feel a bit self-conscious; whether you have one or many that won’t quit. Having pimples on the face, especially cheeks can be frustrating, exhausting and even painful. But fear not! In this blog, we’ll find out about the meaning of acne, why acne happens, and most importantly, how to get rid of pimples naturally for glowing skin.

What Is Acne?

In scientific terms, acne is a skin condition characterised by the presence of sebaceous (oil) elements which clog the pores on your skin. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and even cysts can be symptoms of acne. Although it usually affects the face, acne can also develop on the shoulders, back, and chest.

Why Does It Happen?

The following could be some of the main reasons for your acne:

  1. Hormones: During puberty is when acne loves to show itself.  Changes in hormones like during puberty, pregnancy or periods causes too much oil to form that clogs the pores and causes acne prone skin. Steer clear of all sweets and sugar alternatives. Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates might raise blood sugar levels. Your body creates insulin when your blood sugar levels rise. One of the functions of the hormone insulin is to promote the synthesis of oil.
  2. Diet: Eat mainly whole fresh foods and include colourful vegetables and fruits. Take healthy fats like ghee and coconut oil to avoid those pesky pimples on your cheeks.
  3. Stress: Does a pimple pop up just before an exam, meeting, or major date. That’s because of stress! When cortisol increases due to stress, it may lead to inflammation or breakouts.
  4. Skincare: Oily skin and more breakouts can result from using heavy, comedogenic products and not washing your face before bed. You must take delicate yet efficient care of your skin if it is prone to acne.
  5. Genetics: Unfortunately, you can inherit acne from your family. If your parents had acne, then you are more likely to get acne on the face, too.

Let’s explore some holistic remedies on how to get rid of pimples with this knowledge in mind. There are natural methods for tackling those pesky pimples, from a little yoga trick to tweaking your diet. Watch this video by clicking on this link for an in depth explanation on how to get rid of pimples naturally.

On that note, let’s dive into some of the best yoga asanas for acne.

Yoga Asanas For Clear Skin

Amazingly, in addition to improving flexibility, yoga can also show you how to get rid of acne. Therefore, the following yoga poses might be useful to you:

1.  Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): There’s a reason this asana is called the “queen” of asanas. It nourishes the skin cells and helps your face become pimple free by bringing blood circulation to the face. If you do this pose for 5 minutes every day, it will definitely benefit you.

2.  Matsyasana (Fish Pose): Doing the fish pose will open your chest allowing better passage of oxygen while also cutting back your stress, which can cause acne. Moreover, it activates the parathyroid and thyroid glands, which controls hormones. Hold this pose for 2 minutes everyday.

3.  Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): The cobra pose helps to improve digestion and detoxifies the body, which in turn leads to clear skin. It even works to reduce stress, so all the more reason why this is a home favourite for acne remedies. Keep practising this pose for 1-2 minutes every day.

4.  Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose): Pigeon pose works on your hips and lower back, which releases stress making you feel happy and relaxed. Guess what causes high cortisol levels…STRESS! The lesser the stress, the lower your acne-inducing cortisol production.

5.  Pranayama (Breathing): This can help you reduce stress and also maintain a regular oxygen flow throughout the day especially if you practice Nadi shodhana pranayama. 5–10 minutes of pranayama on a daily basis will make your skin and health glow.

Practice these simple poses regularly for quick and calming results along with improved blood circulation, oxygen flow, hormonal balance , all of which contribute to clear healthy radiant skin.

If you are new to yoga or don’t know where to start, then join our 14 day yoga challenge. It’s perfect for beginners and helps you progress day by day without you having to put in a lot of effort.

Healthy Habits For Acne-Free Skin

In addition to Yoga, there are few daily habits on how to remove pimples that can prevent breakouts and give blemish free skin.

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated: Water helps clean out your system, it clears all the toxins from within and also keeps your skin hydrated. Rise and shine with a cup of warm water mixed with lemon. It acts as a natural detox that flushes out any bacteria in pores, helping heal acne.

2. Sleep Enough: There is something called beauty sleep, and it isn’t just an expression! Sleep 7-8 hours every night so the body can repair itself which results in less inflammation and skin turnover.

3. Wash Your Face Daily: Use a gentle skin care routine that utilises products such as non-drying cleansers, toner, and face lotion. Try not to be too rough when it comes to washing your acne-prone face; scrub too much and you could cause irritation. Every evening, wash your make-up off carefully.

4. Reduce stress:  Find ways to manage stress in life, whether it is meditation or dancing all around your bedroom. Stress is said to cause breakouts and can also affect your skin pigmentation.

5. Regular Exercise: It boosts blood circulation and nourishes skin cells to help reduce inflammation and clear out the pores. But do not forget to wash after workout since sweat can block pores.

The Ultimate Skin-Friendly Diet

Your skin is very sensitive and it easily reacts to what you eat; thus, diet plays an important role in the condition of your skin. Balanced, nutrient-enriched nutrition may do miracles for acne-prone skin.

1. Fruits and Vegetables: Your main plate should be full of fruits and veggies like berries, oranges, spinach, and carrots. These are rich in antioxidants, which offer anti-inflammatory effects leading to smooth skin.

2. Good fats: You are supposed to consume foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts. These suppress inflammation in the body, hence controlling your acne breakouts.

3. Low glycemic foods: You must avoid high-glycemic foods to keep the insulin spikes at bay. Recommended low-glycemic foods include whole grains, legumes, and leafy greens are great to avoid pimples on your face.

4. Probiotics: Products including curd, buttermilk and paneer build the gut, which itself is the reason for clearer skin. A healthy gut will flush away toxins and reduce inflammation which aids in the balance of hormones.

 5. Green Tea: Being a brilliant source of antioxidants, green tea reduces inflammation and thus makes the skin better.  

6.  Watermelon and Cucumber: Such hydrating fruits are very useful to your skin as these will help you stay hydrated and keep breakouts far away.

Acne Treatment at Home

Now for the fun part. Here are some DIY home remedies for pimples that will give you the best pimple cream at home! So without further ado, here are some ways you can get pimple treatment at home for your acne face.

  1. Honey and Cinnamon Mask: Start by mixing honey and cinnamon and then apply it to your face. Honey’s antibacterial properties and cinnamon’s inflammation-reducing capabilities bring together this mask to be a powerful homemade acne treatment.
  2. Tea Tree Oil: Put a dab of diluted tea tree oil on the zits. It is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that shortens pimples on the cheek overnight.
  3. Aloe Vera Gel: This pimple treatment at home is really effective as aloe vera cools and fights germs. Putting it on skin that breaks out can calm redness and stop more breakouts make it a great acne treatment at home.
  4. Turmeric and Yogurt Mask: Turmeric naturally cleans wounds, and yogurt has good bacteria. Mixing them makes a great mask for skin prone to acne, making it the best pimple cream you can make at home naturally.

Wrapping Up: A Bit of Patience and Self-Love

Getting rid of acne in a natural way takes time and steady effort. Like all good things, it’s about the journey, so be kind to yourself. Breakouts don’t define who you are, and they won’t last forever. Stick with these yoga moves, good habits, and a diet good for skin, and you’ll be on the path to clearer and happier skin. And what better way to do this than with Habuild’s expert-led Online Yoga Classes in Hyderabad that will help you learn how to get rid of acne and achieve your goals naturally.

With Habuild, you can balance your hormones, reduce stress and improve your well being from home. Make sure to join our 14 Day Yoga Challenge to get started with guided sessions and see the difference it can make in just 2 weeks!  So join now and start your wellness journey today!

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