Have you ever just been happily going about your day when suddenly, out of nowhere, you’re hit with that unmistakable stabbing pain? Yup, those dreaded period cramps. It’s like your uterus decides to throw a monthly tantrum just when you want some peace and quiet.
If this scenario sounds familiar, keep reading because in this blog, we will understand what periods are, why it happens and how yoga can help relieve those painful cramps. Indeed, practising yoga may hold the key to handling that time of the month with a bit less drama. By the time you finish reading this blog, you’ll know why yoga could become your best friend during your menstrual cycle, how it eases discomfort during your periods, and which postures are your go-tos for relieving cramps. So let’s dive in!
What Are Periods?
Let’s break it down: Menstruation, often known as periods, are a natural process for women usually between the age of 10 to 50 and typically occur once a month. Your body is essentially telling you, “Hey, no baby this month? Okay, let’s cleanse the house. If there isn’t a pregnancy, the uterine lining sheds throughout your monthly cycle, and you get your periods.

Why Are Periods Usually Painful?
Periods come with a whole lot of side effects like cramps, bloating, mood swings, and a sudden craving for chocolate that no one can explain. But why is there so much pain associated with this monthly horror show? Blame it on the prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance that causes your uterus to contract in order to lose its lining. Excessive amounts cause the contractions to intensify and result in the awful period cramps.

Why Exercise During Periods?
The truth is, movement is the last thing on your mind when you’re doubling over from cramps. But, as surprising as it may seem, exercise, especially yoga for stomach pain during periods can be beneficial. It acts as a natural painkiller by increasing blood flow and releasing endorphins, those feel-good hormones. Moving about can also assist with bloating, lift your spirits, and possibly lessen cravings.
But let’s face it, nobody’s gonna run a marathon while they are menstruating. This is where yoga comes in. It is intended to facilitate a non-stressful connection between you and your body. It is gentle and relaxing. Additionally, it can be a great relief for period pain and can lessen your dependency on taking painkillers every month.
How Yoga Can Help With Period Pain
So how exactly does yoga help with menstruation? First of all, yoga promotes the relaxation of abdominal muscles, which lessens the severity of menstrual cramps. Additionally, it stretches the lower back, which is where many of us feel discomfort during periods, and improves circulation.
Second, practising yoga for stomach pain during periods can enhance digestion, minimise bloating and balance out your hormones which cause mood swings.
The wonderful part is that yoga exercises during periods aren’t simply for physical fitness. The meditative aspect aids in stress reduction, which can lessen period pain and other symptoms. A win-win!

Yoga Poses to Reduce Period Pain
Alright, time for the good stuff. Here are some ways on how to reduce period pain with yoga that’ll have you saying goodbye to cramps and hello to relief:
Balasana (child pose)
Why it works: Child’s Pose gently stretches the lower back, relieves tension in the pelvic area, which inturn helps reduce menstrual cramps.
How to do it: Sit on your heels and bend down while extending your arms forward until your forehead touches the ground. Stay in this position and take deep breaths for a few minutes.

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (cat – cow pose)
Why it works: This pose will stretch your uterine and lower back muscles, providing relief from period pain and discomfort.
How to do it: Stand on all fours and curve and arch your back alternatively at a slow pace by feeling the stretch on your back.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Why it works: This is another easy backbend pose for beginners that opens out the chest and lengthens the spine to help relieve period cramps.
How to do it: Bhujangasana is performed by lying on your stomach and placing your palms on either side of your chest. Bring your elbows close to your body and push your chest off the floor. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat 2 to 3 times.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
Why it works: This pose stretches the pelvic floor muscles and elongates the spine, providing relief to your lower back and pelvic region.
How to do it: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Hold your ankles or keep your arms along your side. Next, push your hips up. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Ustrasana (Camel pose)
Why it works: This pose helps release tension in the lower back and treat period cramps by opening and stretching the abdominal muscles. It can also help by stimulating the abdominal organs, which increases blood flow to the uterus and helps it heal faster.
How to do it: Place your feet hip-width apart on the ground and bend your knees. With your palms facing up, place your hands on your lower back. Gently arch your back, extending your chest upward and pressing your hips and pelvis forward. Hold for five to ten breaths.

If you’re having trouble getting started, you can always choose to start off with our 14 day yoga challenge which will help you ease into it and help you progress day by day.
Final Words
Although having a period is not fun, you don’t have to suffer through it with a heating pad and a chocolate. You can manage cramps, lessen period pain, and even improve your mood by adding the above yoga asanas into your period practice. It’s also a fantastic method to maintain your level of activity during your cycle without going overboard.
And what’s more, with Habuild, you can balance your hormones, reduce cramps and improve your well being from home. Make sure to join our 14 Day Yoga Challenge to get started with guided sessions and see the difference it can make in just 2 weeks! So join now and start your wellness journey today!