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Yoga Poses to Increase Focus

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Have you ever noticed that whenever you do a task, you have moments when you seem to be absent-minded? For instance, when you are about to begin working or studying and all of a sudden you find yourself looking blankly at the book or screen for as long as 20 minutes without concentrating at all on the text? Another instance is where you could have been doing one task, then jumped to another, and then another, and by the end of the day, you were not sure if you had done anything worthwhile. If this is you, you are not alone. With all the daily distractions around us, it’s tough for most of us to keep our focus and get things done.

So if this has got you looking for activities to improve attention and concentration, then you have come to the right place, because in this blog, we will look at some of the best yoga poses to increase focus and concentration. Regardless of whether you are a working adult juggling many jobs or a student preparing for a test, these ancient methods backed up by today’s science and research, will allow you to reduce your stress, concentrate better, and reconnect to your peace.

The Science Behind Yoga and Focus

Yoga promotes  awareness and mindfulness, which enhances brain function. Frequent practice can improve cognitive function, mental clarity, and concentration while decreasing mental haze or distraction. Recent studies show that regular yoga practice is able to elevate the level of gray matter in the brain, which in turn leads to the improvement of memory and the decrease in stress, which are all prerequisites of a better focus and cognitive function.

Yoga Poses to Improve Concentration

Now that the science is out of the way, here comes the fun part-  activities to improve attention and concentration. So without further ado, let us dive into some of the best yoga poses to improve concentration and focus.

1. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Why it works: This is a great concentration exercise for students and working individuals alike. This asana promotes blood flow to the brain which helps clear your mind. Thereby improving focus and concentration.

How to do it:   

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs and glutes up. 
  • Support your back with your hands while keeping your elbows on the ground. 
  • Stretch your legs up and hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

2. Trataka (Concentrated Gazing)

Why it works: This is one of the best concentration exercises yoga can offer. It can enhance eye health, improve focus, and lessen eye strain.

How to do it:  

  • Sit comfortably in front of a candle or any similar point and stare at it without blinking for as long as possible. 
  • Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)

Why it works:  Focus and memory are improved by Bhramari Pranayama’s relaxing effects on the mind. It produces an atmosphere that facilitates better concentration by calming the nerves making it a great concentration exercise for students and professionals. 

How to do it:  

  • Sit comfortably in padmasana and close your eyes. 
  • Take a deep breath in and make a humming sound as you’re breathing out. 
  • Repeat for 5 to 7 times.

4. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Why it works:   One of the best focus exercises that you can practice is Vrikshasana. This asana makes you concentrate on maintaining your balance thereby focusing on keeping your mind present.

How to do it:  

  • Stand with your feet together and slowly raise one leg up. 
  • Place the foot of the raised leg on the inner thigh or calf of your standing leg. 
  • Bring your hands together near your chest and stretch them up. 
  • Focus on a point and maintain this pose as you breathe.

5. Sukhasana (Easy Pose) with Deep Breathing

Why it works:  This meditative pose helps you relax and clear your mind. By concentrating on your breathing, you will be able to focus on the present moment.

How to do it:

  • Be seated and then crisscross your legs.
  • Then, close your eyes and lower your hands onto the knees in chin mudra. 
  • Inhale and exhale for ten to fifteen minutes.

6. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Why it works:  Tadasana is a simple asana that fosters stability, balance, and mental clarity. This asana helps you become aware of your body and its surroundings and greatly improves attention span.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart. 
  • Interlock your fingers in front of you and stretch your hand upwards. 
  • Slowly lift your heels up while focusing on a fixed point. 
  • Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds.

If you’re having trouble getting started with these asanas, you can always choose to start off with our 14 day yoga challenge which will help you ease into it and help you progress day by day. 

Summing It Up

Getting to actually concentrate and remain undistracted is not something that is close to impossible. Practicing yoga and doing these focus exercises will not only help you focus but also greatly improves your overall health and well-being. And what’s more, with Habuild, you can increase your attention span, perform exercises to increase focus and concentration and achieve mental clarity all from home!

So if you are preparing for your exams or trying to meet your work deadlines, all you need is to stay consistent. Practice makes perfect. By doing even a little bit every day, you can significantly increase your capacity for concentration and focus. And if you’re finding it difficult to get started or stay consistent, just join our 14 day yoga challenge to get started with guided sessions and see the difference it can make in just 2 weeks! So join now and start your wellness journey today.

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